Tuesday, 15 June 2010


OK, I realise I have not blogged in quite sometime and I do apologise for that!

Firstly, this is a rant about Non-Sabbs. In the last few months I have worked closely with about four of the non-sabbs, and it really has been a pleasure. The LGBTQ Officer has never ceased to amaze me in his passion and commitment and has continuously worked with the LGBTQ Association to make it the vibrant and active association it is today; this is certainly something I would have liked to have happened with the Disability and Mental Health Association, though I have put a brick in place and soon we will build a house. I am pleased with what I have done this year and the effort I have put in, and I hope other than my lack of blogging that those who know me, seen me around Guild Council or around the Guild will know that I am passionate in everything I do.

Non-Sabbs are elected to represent students and therefore we have to work with the Sabbs. Yes, sometimes we have not been given the support that we need and the tools to do what we want, but without them we will have achieved nothing. I truly believe that this years Sabb team have done an incredible job, and it because of them I have been able to be a brilliant officer. At the end of the day, we rely on them to do the job we do today, this year we saw the LGBTQ officer work ridiculously hard to make sure there was a unbiased and fair election to send delegates to LGBTQ conference, but without a letter from the Sabbs it wouldn't have happened. Publicly slating them and antagonising the situation saying the have blocked our attempts to try and do something is defiantly not the way to go about it- and if it were me I certainly would not be jumping through hoops to help.

I was elected to my role in February, and already I feel like I have achieved quite a lot-  I went to Disabled Students Conference, Re-kindled DAMSA, attend every GOG meeting that I could (I missed one but sent my apologies) and attended every Guild Council. I submitted motions in Guild Council to make sure that things would be put into policy so once I leave I know it will be continued. I have answered emails and generally tried to be the best at my Job that I can.

However the LGBTQ Officer put on the agenda "Non-Sabb visibility" and I completely agree with this, non-sabbs should be more visible however when putting our point across, if there is only 4 out of 10 of us at the meeting its not really a good advert for what he was saying. So this is a plea, Non-sabbs of next year, make sure your constituents know who you are, make sure you blog and make sure you represent the people you were elected to represent. If any of the Sabbatical Officers didn't turn up to GOG three meetings in a row without sending their apologies, then I would be one of the first to suggest they get censured. And to those who are represented by non-sabbs whether it be a women's officer, LGBTQ officer, disabled Students Officer, Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer, international students Officer etc then hold them into account make sure they are doing what you elected them to do!

And this is me publicly saying to the Sabbs thanks so much for all you do, without you I wouldn't be able to represent the Disabled Students of this University. I am proud of what I have done, and without the sabbs I certainly wouldnt have been able to do that

Ok that was a bit of a long rant....

Anyway, back to what I have been doing. OK so I'm going to boast a little here.... We got a motion through regarding disabled assess in University by 100%. Like I said in my speech, this motion is was not about the law school, was not about one student, was about library services or estates, the people squabbling over who pays what, its about the University taking seriously that it needs to engage with all students who attend this University. The motion was primarily about the Harding Law library which desperately needs a ramp and a fully functioning lift to allow disabled students to use crucial facility's that are crucial to learning (or basic needs). So over the summer I hope to work with this to ensure it is done by September so that everybody can have the assess to the same facilities. So thanks Guild Council!

I have been working closely with the LGBTQ and DAMSA to ensure we have a decent action plan for Mental Health Awareness Week in October. It is looking hopeful and if you would like any information please email me to ask for more information. Or alternatively Friday 18th June at 1 o'clock we are having a meeting regarding it, please email me to ask for more details about this (I still do not know where the meeting will take place) this is open to ANY STUDENT regardless is they are a part of DAMSA or the LGBTQ.  Please come along it would be good to see people come along, put in their view and get involved!!

If you would like to know what DAMSA have organised for Freshers and next year, once again please email me. We are looking for volunteers for welcome week to be friendly faces to disabled students starting at the university, but we are still not sure exactly how to do this- but we would appreciate your input.

For all those who got this far thanks for reading!

Claire xx

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Hey everyone

Firstly apologies for not blogging in such along time! But here you go...

Last week I attended NUS national Conference with the NUS Disabled Students Commitee and you can view the campaigns we are running on the NUS website for disabled students campaigns. The Disabled Students Campaign have recently launched an exciting new logo

It particularly involves reducing stigma around mental Health, with one poster reading "1 in 4 people experience mental health issues". It is a really exciting campaign and if anyone wants more information please feel free to contact me.

Following on from that this week is Depression Awareness week and four volunteers at Mind have agreed to share these expeirence, these are available from the Mind Website and I would encourage you to take a look at what these people have said. Furthermore, if you have or have had Depression whilst at University, there are many things that can help. The Disability and Mental Health Students Association is now up and running and we are looking forward to running campaigns surrounding Mental Health and would appreciate your input, how it has affected your time at University and also a Safe Space to hang out with friends. If you want information about the Association please email me, or disability@guild.bham.ac.uk and we will get back to you! For information on what support is available please check out the Disability and Learning Support Website.

As mentioned earlier, there is now actually an email address for the Association, we had our AGM at the end of last term and the following were elected:

Chair-Emma Atkins
Secretary- Kai Weston
Treasurer- Claire Lister ( to commence when I have finished my role as DSO)
Mental Health Officer-Adam Nawal
Learning Disabilities Officer- John (Fred) Lamport

Thanks to everyone who came along there were around 15 people there and everyone seemed keen on joining in, which is exciting!

As not all roles were filled we are planning on having an EGM in October to ensure that everyone who would be interested in being involved will be able to. I am so excited about the association being up and running and think that this is the start of something amazing. I am looking forward to members of the association challenging me as the officer and holding me into account at Guild Council, for too long many of the non-sabbatical Officers have not been held to account by Guild Council and are doing an inadequate job for their constituents. 

Many of you may may be intending to Vote for Students and have already signed the pledge... but why should disabled Students pledge their Vote?

A reason for every student to vote is to prevent the rise in university fees, but it is of particular importance that disabled students vote for candidates that will fight for a fairer funding system. 30% of Disabled people live beneath the poverty line, and this figure is still rising. Asking Disabled Students to rack up large sums of debt is unreasonable, when only 40% of disabled people are currently in work is not acceptable, and we must stand against it!

Additional costs may not be met by the Disabled Students Allowance, yet to find and carry out part time work is more difficult. The delivery of DSA has been quite frankly unacceptable this year, thousands of Students have still not received their DSA this year and this may force them to defer or even drop out of University- Why should we sacrifice our future purely on the failings on the system!

So please sign up to the pledge and vote! Every vote does count :)

Thanks for reading and once again sorry its been so long! :D

Claire xx

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Quick Update.....

Hey Everyone

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few weeks.

The Disabled Students AGM is taking place this week on Thursday between 16:30 and 18:00 in the Underground in the Guild.

The following positions are being elected at the AGM and I look forward to meeting everyone, getting an active and engaging committee and snacking of the free food!!

The Committee positions

The chair is responsible for coordinating the committee, ensuring the association is represented at meetings with the Guild or University, and to chair meetings. You will be passionate about the objectives of DAMSA and be able to motivate and encourage others to also take part.

The Treasurer provides the committee with regular reports on the group’s financial status and advises on financial issues, liaises directly with Student Development to maintain and update the group’s accounts, prepares the grant application requesting financial assistance from the Guild. This individual will be well organised and able to communicate with a number of different individuals about financial issues - don't worry, Student Development will give you lots of support and advice!

The Secretary takes minutes at relevant meetings, such as the AGM or Committee meetings if required, maintains and updates membership lists for the group and informs Student Development of committee members, corresponds with members, interested students and external bodies, ensures the promotion of the group and its activities to encourage increased awareness of and participation in the group. This person will be good at communicating in a number of ways, and well organised.

Mental Health Officer

To be elected to this position you have to self define as having a mental health disability. The mental Health Officer will organise campaigns to reduce stigma, have events and forums so people can discuss their issues with the university. They will also be a "signalling" post for people to point them in the right direction.

Learning Disabilities Officer

To be elected to this position you have to self define as having a learning disability. The learning Disability officer will organise campaigns and hold have events and forums so people can discuss their issues with the university. They will also be a "signalling" post for people to point them in the right direction.

Physical Disabilities Officer

To be elected to this position you have to self define as having a physical disability. The physical Disability officer will organise campaigns and hold have events and forums so people can discuss their issues with the university. They will also along with the rest of the commitee lobby the university and the guild to be more assessible to wheel-chair users. They will also be a "signalling" post for people to point them in the right direction.

Publicity Officer

The role of the publicity officer will be to publicise events in the most assessible way possible to make sure events held by the association are attended and therefore able to ensure that the association remains active.

Open Place Guild Councillor

The role of the Guild councillor will be to represent Disabled Students to the Guild, hold the relevant officers to account and make sure the Guild is approopriatly representing disabled students. 

Sorry thats alot of writting!!! 

Please Please come along

Claire xx

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Disability and Mental Health AGM

Hey everyone

Just to let you know and please let any of your friend as or constituents know that we are holding the Disability and Mental Health Students Association on the 25th March between 16:30 and 18:00 in the underground the Guild of Student's this is an assessable venue and if you have any concerns please contact me !!

I am hoping that we will be a successful event and that we will finally be able to have events that cater for the needs of Disabled Students, as well as relevant campaigns, discussions, ensure better accessibility to societies etc.

So please do not hesitate to contact me dso@guild.bham.ac.uk

Also another quick note- I attended Disabled students Conference over the past few days and it was an unforgettable experience. I learnt loads and hopefully will be able to represent you more effectively. I also was able to network with other students and hopefully we can work together with Further education colleges and other University's to ensure a stronger campaign on issues that affect Disabled Students. I was also elected onto the NUS Disabled Students Committee as Women's Officer.

If you would like any more information on the conference please contact me.

Claire xx

Friday, 19 February 2010

Mental Wealth

Hey everyone

I went to a meeting about the mental wealth project, and there were some interesting propositions and I would like your feedback on it! If you could spare a few minutes to read about it.

Basically the mental wealth project is a campaign to promote campus mental health and wellbeing. It is for all students with an interest in mental health. It is running in universities in England, the project started in Leeds after a group Mind Matters was set up in 2008 and was so successful that they decided to set the project up. This seems like a brilliant opportunity to create something positive. This project will help to reduce stigma of mental health problems, run campaigns, demonstrate the relevance of mental health to all and loads more.

One of my main concerns (please say if you disagree with this), some students with mental health problems may feel threatened by students such as those studying psychology that they may be analyzed. 

One of the things I envisage with the disabled students association is it to be a safe space for students with physical, mental health, and learning disabilities. A main problem for increasing the involvement in the group from students with mental health problems is people may not necessarily see themselves as disabled.

I believe that both of these group would work well together, but work differently, one would be primarily focused on campaigns, and the other to provide a safe space.

But how do we Disabled Students Association become a stronger group that actually works and represents students?

Please email be with any suggestions or comments and if you want to get involved with any of these things. 

Claire x

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Hey everyone

Just to let you know there is an event for those who are deaf, put on by deaf plus. I have attached the leaflet below. If you are reading this and any of your friends would be interested please pass this information to them!

Also, this BBC Panorama video is interesting to watch

It shows that in many places across the country people are suffering abuse and threats for no other reason that their disability.  And though the law has got tough on people who abuse others on the grounds of their race or religion, the attitude towards often low-level but continued abuse of disabled people seems far behind, the programme found.

Claire x

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Hey everyone!

Basically this week has been slightly unproductive in terms of actually getting things done, but I've set the wheels in motion and have began learning my way around the guild. Been having discussions with the VP welfare about my aims etc and how we should go about doing them.

I have been invited to the LBGTQ coffee afternoon to talk about the LBGTQ and disability's, the invitation is extended to disabled students who would like to join in this discussion. It will be taking place on the 24th of February between 12:00 and 15:00 and the location is to be confirmed -I will update you on this next week.

Also someone mentioned to me that wheelchair access to Pritchatts Road was difficult to buildings such as elms road, so I decided I would have a little wander around. Basically there is no ramp by the sports field, so one person said to me it took 40 minutes to get to Elm's road as they had to leave campus, go down St. Vincent Drive and then onto Pritchatts Road, however these roads are fairly busy with hospital traffic making it dangerous. However,if you go into the Muirhead tower then out the other side there is a lift that you can go down to get to the car park. However this may all seem a bit tedious, but may save a considerable length of time is you are going to this part of campus.

Also, I have started to think about strengthening the Disabled Students Association, which as many of you may know has been inactive for a number of years. I aim to ensure that it is a welcoming and accessible environment, that does a diverse number of events and campaigns representing everyone. Basically, its going to take a little while to really take off the ground, and I will work closely with the committee to make sure there is something for everyone. So basically, if you want to get involved please email me!!


Thursday, 4 February 2010

Hey everyone
I have just been elected as your new DSO, thanks so much to everyone who voted. This position has been inactive for far too long jeopardising the welfare of disabled students at the University of Birmingham.

OK so there’s so much stuff I would love to do when I am in office to represent disabled students but unfortunately due to time constraints I won’t be able to do everything that I want to. But some of the things I intend to do:

• Represent people who are getting inadequate note taking support and other assistants funded by the DSA- I have submitted a motion for the February Guild Council to ensure that the guild acts on the many comments I have received about the lack of support. I am hoping that the university will utilise the facilities of the job zone to advertise these jobs. I checked in the job zone and there is no advertising for these jobs. Many students may apply for their DSA in later months so note takers are needed throughout the year not just the beginning of term. If anyone has an issue with academic support workers please email me, it would be good to have a good idea of the number of students affected by this problem.

• Making guild council accessible to deaf students- I have submitted another motion so that guild council can be accessible for all and ensure that every student has the potential to have their voice heard. I have suggested that a hearing loop gets put in place, however if this is not possible that we look into other methods of making guild council accessible to deaf students.

• Strengthen the disabled student’s association- in recent times this association has not been active. I hope to change this by working closely with members on this association to make people more aware of the association and what it does and can do for students. It would be brilliant to have regular events that encourage students to come and discuss their views, have a safe space to socialise with peers who may be experiencing similar difficulties to their own.

Hopefully I will have time to do more things but these are the things that I would hope to do through my time in office.

So thanks everyone for reading, and please feel free to comment or send me an email.
Claire xx