Firstly, this is a rant about Non-Sabbs. In the last few months I have worked closely with about four of the non-sabbs, and it really has been a pleasure. The LGBTQ Officer has never ceased to amaze me in his passion and commitment and has continuously worked with the LGBTQ Association to make it the vibrant and active association it is today; this is certainly something I would have liked to have happened with the Disability and Mental Health Association, though I have put a brick in place and soon we will build a house. I am pleased with what I have done this year and the effort I have put in, and I hope other than my lack of blogging that those who know me, seen me around Guild Council or around the Guild will know that I am passionate in everything I do.
Non-Sabbs are elected to represent students and therefore we have to work with the Sabbs. Yes, sometimes we have not been given the support that we need and the tools to do what we want, but without them we will have achieved nothing. I truly believe that this years Sabb team have done an incredible job, and it because of them I have been able to be a brilliant officer. At the end of the day, we rely on them to do the job we do today, this year we saw the LGBTQ officer work ridiculously hard to make sure there was a unbiased and fair election to send delegates to LGBTQ conference, but without a letter from the Sabbs it wouldn't have happened. Publicly slating them and antagonising the situation saying the have blocked our attempts to try and do something is defiantly not the way to go about it- and if it were me I certainly would not be jumping through hoops to help.
I was elected to my role in February, and already I feel like I have achieved quite a lot- I went to Disabled Students Conference, Re-kindled DAMSA, attend every GOG meeting that I could (I missed one but sent my apologies) and attended every Guild Council. I submitted motions in Guild Council to make sure that things would be put into policy so once I leave I know it will be continued. I have answered emails and generally tried to be the best at my Job that I can.
However the LGBTQ Officer put on the agenda "Non-Sabb visibility" and I completely agree with this, non-sabbs should be more visible however when putting our point across, if there is only 4 out of 10 of us at the meeting its not really a good advert for what he was saying. So this is a plea, Non-sabbs of next year, make sure your constituents know who you are, make sure you blog and make sure you represent the people you were elected to represent. If any of the Sabbatical Officers didn't turn up to GOG three meetings in a row without sending their apologies, then I would be one of the first to suggest they get censured. And to those who are represented by non-sabbs whether it be a women's officer, LGBTQ officer, disabled Students Officer, Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer, international students Officer etc then hold them into account make sure they are doing what you elected them to do!
And this is me publicly saying to the Sabbs thanks so much for all you do, without you I wouldn't be able to represent the Disabled Students of this University. I am proud of what I have done, and without the sabbs I certainly wouldnt have been able to do that
Ok that was a bit of a long rant....
Anyway, back to what I have been doing. OK so I'm going to boast a little here.... We got a motion through regarding disabled assess in University by 100%. Like I said in my speech, this motion is was not about the law school, was not about one student, was about library services or estates, the people squabbling over who pays what, its about the University taking seriously that it needs to engage with all students who attend this University. The motion was primarily about the Harding Law library which desperately needs a ramp and a fully functioning lift to allow disabled students to use crucial facility's that are crucial to learning (or basic needs). So over the summer I hope to work with this to ensure it is done by September so that everybody can have the assess to the same facilities. So thanks Guild Council!
I have been working closely with the LGBTQ and DAMSA to ensure we have a decent action plan for Mental Health Awareness Week in October. It is looking hopeful and if you would like any information please email me to ask for more information. Or alternatively Friday 18th June at 1 o'clock we are having a meeting regarding it, please email me to ask for more details about this (I still do not know where the meeting will take place) this is open to ANY STUDENT regardless is they are a part of DAMSA or the LGBTQ. Please come along it would be good to see people come along, put in their view and get involved!!
If you would like to know what DAMSA have organised for Freshers and next year, once again please email me. We are looking for volunteers for welcome week to be friendly faces to disabled students starting at the university, but we are still not sure exactly how to do this- but we would appreciate your input.
For all those who got this far thanks for reading!
Claire xx
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